List of Archivilia - NAN
Archives Library
The Archives Library focuses on six collection areas:
- Professional literature on archives, records management, and preservation
- Namibian government publications
- Namibian history
- Reference works needed for historical research
- Theses on Namibia
- Grey literature on Namibia (unpublished reports, conference papers, etc)
A very small selection of reference works is available in a free-hand library in the Reading Room, while most items must be identified via the catalogues, and ordered into the Reading Room.
For preservation and space reasons, the library is shelved not in a classificatory system but in several series according to size and type, with consecutive numbering (numerus currens). Those are the series:
- Books: AA, BB, CC, DD
- Pamphlets: PA, PB, PC, PD
- Periodicals: JZ, JX, ZZ
- Conferences: CONF
- Rare/restricted: RARA
Several private accessions of library material are shelved in the library with their own code as distinct collections:
- BL - Brigitte Lau Collection (A.0718)
- L - C.J.C. Lemmer Collection (A.0769)
- NS - Confiscated National Socialist literature (A.0221) [uncatalogued]
- TLE - Tore Linné Eriksen Collection (A.0827, AACRLS.119)
Additionally there is the digital library, consisting both of digital-born and digitized material:
- ELFI – electronic monographs at V:\nan\ELFI\
- ELJO – electronic periodicals at V:\nan\ELJO
Almost all of the Archives Library collection is catalogued to a high standard in the databases:
- NAMLIT (NML) for all directly Namibia-related material. This catalogue also refers to Namibiana in other libraries, most notably the National Library Namibiana catalogued before April 2015
- ARCAT for the entire Archives Library, including the Namibiana. However, Namibiana on ARCAT are often catalogued to a lower standard than on NAMLIT, and the holdings of Namibiana periodicals are only recorded on NAMLIT.
- OPAC for the entire library holdings of National Library (as catalogued before April 2015) and National Archives. This is convenient but has somewhat reduced search and display facilities.
All catalogues also provide reference to the digital collection, although due to IT constraints the links to the digital library may sometimes not be working. Please enquire.
As with all other holdings of the National Archives, library books are not lent to users outside the archives premises.
Note: A combined microfilm/microfiche reader/printer and a microfiche reader are available. However currently the printer function is not available. Due to maintenance problems (no local service firm is available), functionality of the machinery cannot always be guaranteed.
Please ask for technical assistance from the staff.
(Almost) all microforms are kept in three consecutively numbered series, regardless of whether they are additionally registered as private accessions, library material, or archives. These series are:
Microfiches |
Microfilms masters Preservation copies, no use allowed |
3/3/3 |
Microfilms |
3.1 Government departments and offices on microfilm
Zentralbureau des kaiserlichen Gouvernements |
1884-1914 |
1189 |
3/1/1 |
Kaiserliches Bezirksamt Keetmanshoop |
1894-1915 |
0207 |
3/1/3 |
Kaiserliches Bezirksamt Lüderitzbucht |
1896-1915 |
0206 |
3/1/4 |
Distriksamt Okahandja |
1894-1915 |
0080 |
3/1/6 |
Kaiserliches Bezirksamt Rehoboth |
1885-1915 |
0041 |
3/1/5 |
Kaiserliches Bezirksamt Swakopmund |
1892-1915 |
0097 |
Kaiserliches Bezirksamt Windhuk |
1893-1915 |
0336 |
3/1/2 |
Kaiserliche Eisenbahnverwaltung |
1897-1915 |
0215 |
3/1/7 |
Kaiserliches Hafenbaubüro Lüderitzbucht |
1906-1915 |
0008 |
3/1/8 |
Secretary for the Protectorate |
1915-1920 |
0078 |
3/1/9 |
All these microfilms under 3.1 are diazo copies. The silver halide masters are kept in Pretoria.
3.2 Private accessions on microfilm and microfiche
These can be found through the Register of Accessions (E2). However, the following large microform collections of archives are of special importance and should be mentioned:
A.0464 |
Finnish Mission Archives [microfiche] (original in National Archives, Helsinki) |
1860-1956 |
655 fiche |
D.1/8 |
A.0615 |
Finnish Mission / ELCIN parish registers [microfiche] (originals in local parishes) |
1903-? |
2/49 |
A.0832 |
Rhenish Mission / United Evangelical Mission [microfilm] (original in Archiv- und Museumsstiftung, Wuppertal) |
101 rolls |
2/92 |
AACRLS.071 |
Reichskolonialamt [microfilm] (Original in Bundesarchiv, Berlin-Lichterfelde) |
1884-1940 |
800 rolls |
2/112 D.1/21 3/3/6 |
3.3 Newspapers and periodicals on microfilm
The Archives holds newspaper microfilms in user copies (diazo) and master copies (silver halide). The master copies are for preservation and may not be used.
A detailed listing is available (Findaid 3/2/2)
Allgemeine Zeitung Subject index for 1958-1991 available: A.0993 |
1919-1939 + 1943-1994 |
3/2/2 A.0993 |
Deutscher Beobachter |
1939-1942 |
3/2/2 |
Deutsch-Südwestafrikanische Zeitung Subject index available: Findaid 3/2/4 |
1901-1914 |
3/2/2 3/2/4 |
Heimat |
1927-1975 |
3/2/2 |
Keetmanshooper Nachrichten |
1911-1911 |
3/2/2 |
Keetmanshooper Zeitung |
1912-1914 |
3/2/2 |
Der Kriegsbote |
1916-1919 |
3/2/2 |
Lüderitzbuchter Zeitung |
1909-1937 |
3/2/2 |
The Namibian The Namibian 1985-1991 is also available in digitized version: V:\nan\ELJO\The_Namibian\ |
1985-1994 |
3/2/2 |
Het Nieuwe Weekblad voor Namaqua- en Damaraland |
1914-1915 |
3/2/2 |
Ons Vriend |
1925-1926 |
3/2/2 |
Die Republikein |
1977-2001 |
3/2/2 |
South West Times |
1028-1933 |
3/2/2 |
Südwest |
1910-1915 |
3/2/2 |
Südwestbote |
1903-1915 |
3/2/2 |
Die Suidwes-Afrikaner |
1927-1976 |
3/2/2 |
Suidwes Nuusblad |
1919-1925 |
3/2/2 |
Die Suidwester |
1945-1984 |
3/2/2 |
SWA Pionier |
1976-1977 |
3/2/2 |
Swakopmunder Echo |
1916 |
3/2/2 |
Swakopmunder Zeitung |
1911-1938 |
3/2/2 |
Times of Namibia |
1988-1991 |
3/2/2 |
Der Weltkrieg |
1916-1919 |
3/2/2 |
Windhoek Advertiser |
1919-1994 |
3/2/2 |
Windhoek Observer |
1978-1990 |
3/2/2 |
Windhoeker Anzeiger Subject index available: Findaid 3/2/4 |
1898-1901 |
3/2/2 3/2/4 |